Mirror Image Project/Sportwear was created by myself, Steve Donaldson, a Personal Trainer for 20 years. In that time, I have met so many different people, unique in their own way, the majority looking for happiness in the visual reflection of the mirror. My personal story is I was bullied from 7th through 9th grade. When I say bullied, I am talking both physical and emotional. I was punched, tripped, teased and even had my head put in a toilet. i was often chased home after getting of the bus. I could not figure out what I did to deserve all the bullying. Eventually I transferred schools and had to repeat the 9th grade again. When I went back to my hometown 10 years after high school, I saw the offenders... the10 years that passed felt like just ten days. The anger and torment was still present. All that I went through is what drove me to my career as a personal trainer. I promised myself that I would never go through that again, that I would get strong to be strong. With society today, we tend to want to conform to what others expect or think we should look like often scaring us on the inside from our outward appearance. Who you are in the reflection in the mirror is so much more than the physical reflection...
So I created different shirts for my clients with motivational and positive words written backwards so they can be legable in the mirror. It caught on so well that I decided to create Mirror Image Sportswear. #reflectyourtrueself
Our goal at Mirror Image Project is to motivate people, whether you are an elite athlete or just someone trying to accomplish a personal goal. Our clothing is a reminder that anything is possible once you commit. The mirror image just needs to believe. We have a tendency to think there is something wrong with us or we are flawed if we admit our feelings which is not the case. I simply call it "owning it" #everyonehasastory
Why we love what we do